12 Top Tips To Mastering Time Management as a Football Coach.

Time management was one of the greatest lessons I ever learned and I don’t mean just as a coach. 

Now, don’t get me wrong the technical, tactical, physical and psychological areas were crucial in my development as a coach as were all the other aspects of coaching I picked up over the years. 

But learning and understanding how to manage my time was vital in keeping me organised and effective in my life and my coaching.


As a grassroots football coach in the UK, you are undoubtedly passionate about nurturing young talent and creating a positive impact on the field. 

However, the challenges of balancing coaching responsibilities with personal and professional commitments can often be overwhelming. 

Time management becomes the key to achieving success in all aspects of your life. 

In this article, we will explore 12 effective strategies and empowering tips to help you master time management as a football coach.

1 – Set Clear Priorities:

Setting clear priorities is essential for efficient time management. Begin by identifying the most important tasks and commitments in your personal, professional, and coaching life. 

Reflect on your values and long-term goals to determine what truly matters to you. By understanding your priorities, you can allocate your time effectively and avoid getting overwhelmed. 

Focus on the core aspects of your coaching role and set realistic expectations for yourself.

Checklist with ticks in boxes for Time Management

2 – Create a Schedule:

Developing a structured schedule is crucial for effective time management. Create a weekly or monthly schedule that encompasses your coaching sessions, personal commitments, and professional responsibilities. 

Utilise digital tools such as online calendars or scheduling apps to stay organised and set reminders for important events or tasks. 

Allocate specific time slots for each activity, ensuring that you have dedicated time for coaching, personal time, and professional obligations. 

By having a well-organised schedule, you can minimise conflicts and ensure that you allocate sufficient time to each aspect of your life.

3 – Delegate and Outsource:

Recognise that you cannot handle everything on your own. This was something I learned early on when coaching a young grassroots team and it helped me so much.

Delegate certain tasks to assistant coaches or reliable team parents who are willing to contribute. For example, you can assign someone to handle equipment setup or coordinate match logistics. 

Outsource administrative tasks, such as organising fixtures or managing paperwork, to streamline your workload. 

By effectively delegating responsibilities, you can focus on your coaching role and free up valuable time for other commitments.

4 – Time Blocking:

Time blocking is a powerful technique to maximise your productivity. Dedicate specific blocks of time for various activities, such as planning training sessions, responding to emails, and spending quality time with family. 

By compartmentalising your day, you can focus more effectively on each task. Avoid multitasking, as it can lead to inefficiency and decreased productivity. 

Instead, dedicate your complete attention to one task at a time, ensuring better results and reducing the chances of errors.

5 – Efficient Training Session Planning:

Investing time into efficient training session planning is key to effective time management. Structure your sessions with clear objectives, practices, and exercises. 

Before each session, take the time to plan and prepare your coaching materials. This includes creating a detailed session plan, gathering necessary equipment, and setting up any practices in advance. 

By having a well-thought-out plan, you can eliminate unnecessary delays and keep your training sessions focused and organised. 

Efficient planning allows you to make the most of the time you spend on the field. To read more information CLICK HERE

6 – Utilise Technology:

Embrace technology to streamline your coaching and administrative tasks. Utilise training apps, video analysis tools, and communication platforms to enhance your coaching efficiency and save time. 

For instance, you can use training apps to create and share training programs with your players, reducing the need for manual planning and communication. 

Explore software that can automate administrative tasks, such as attendance tracking or scheduling, to simplify your workload and save precious time.

7 – Effective Communication:

Develop open lines of communication with your players, parents, and fellow coaches. Effective communication plays a crucial role in managing your time effectively. 

Trust me when I say most parents want to be involved. It will make your life so much easier, but you have to ask them first and they will help as much as they can.

Communicate your availability and establish realistic expectations. Regularly update parents and players about training schedules and any changes to avoid confusion and last-minute adjustments. 

Utilise communication channels such as group emails or team messaging apps to disseminate information effectively. 

By fostering effective communication, you can minimise misunderstandings and save time that would otherwise be spent clarifying details or resolving issues. For further information CLICK HERE

8 – Embrace Time-Saving Strategies:

Identify time-saving strategies that work for you. For example, organise equipment and training gear in advance, ensuring they are readily available when needed. 

Streamline your travel routes to training grounds and matches to minimise commuting time. Create a checklist of essential tasks or items to ensure you have everything prepared beforehand. 

By being proactive and implementing time-saving strategies, you can optimise your efficiency and reduce unnecessary time wastage.

9 – Personal Well-being:

Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for effective time management. Prioritise self-care activities such as exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy nutrition. 

Engaging in physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can enhance your energy levels and productivity. Additionally, make time for activities that bring you joy and help you recharge. 

By maintaining your well-being, you will be better equipped to handle the demands of coaching and manage your time effectively.

10 – Learn to Say No:

Don’t be afraid to say no when additional commitments or tasks become overwhelming. Recognise your limitations and understand that quality coaching requires focused attention. 

Prioritise your existing commitments to avoid spreading yourself too thin. Assess new requests or opportunities carefully before accepting them. 

By learning to say no, you can maintain a manageable workload and devote ample time to your coaching responsibilities and personal life.

11 – Time Audit:

Periodically conduct a time audit to assess how you are spending your time. Take note of the activities that consume a significant amount of your time. 

Identify areas where you can cut back or optimise, and eliminate any non-essential activities that are consuming too much of your precious time. 

Evaluate your daily routines and habits to identify any time leaks or inefficiencies. By conducting regular time audits, you can make adjustments and fine-tune your time management strategies for improved productivity.

12 – Continual Learning:

Invest in your professional development as a coach. Seek out educational opportunities, attend coaching workshops, and stay updated with the latest coaching techniques and strategies. 

By enhancing your knowledge, you can become more efficient in your coaching sessions. Continual learning allows you to refine your coaching skills and adopt innovative methods that can save time and enhance the effectiveness of your coaching sessions. 

Stay connected with the coaching community and learn from experienced coaches who have mastered time management.


Balancing coaching responsibilities with personal and professional commitments is a challenge faced by grassroots football coaches. 

However, by implementing effective time management strategies, you can overcome this hurdle and find harmony in your life. 

Remember to set clear priorities, create a schedule, delegate tasks, and leverage technology. Focus on efficient training session planning, effective communication, and embracing time-saving strategies. 

Prioritise your well-being, learn to say no when necessary, conduct regular time audits, and invest in continual learning. 

By mastering time management, you can excel as a grassroots football coach and lead a fulfilling and balanced life both on and off the field.

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