The Festive Fitness Challenge: Keeping Match Sharp This Christmas

It’s the Festive season again; the twinkling lights are up, the mince pies are baking, and the smell of mulled wine fills the crisp December air. Christmas is a time for indulgence and relaxation with friends and family. But for us footballers, letting fitness slide over the holidays can mean starting mid-season short of match … Read more

How to Develop a Successful Pre-Season Training Program for Your Soccer Team

Pre-Season already!!! I don’t want to think about that I need a rest. As we approach yet another end to another season it is time to reflect on success, failures and future improvements before a well-earned break is taken. However, as coaches, we never really switch off completely as we may be considering what our … Read more

10 Common Mistakes New Coaches Make And How To Avoid Them

Mistakes, everybody makes them right, but I believe that is where we learn the most and where we can gain the most knowledge. As a coach educator, my job is to inspire and empower coaches of all abilities with knowledge of the game and help and support you to gain the qualifications required to coach … Read more

How to Develop a Soccer Coaching Philosophy

Introduction Wanting to create a soccer coaching philosophy but are not sure where to start? Finding the right approach for you and your team is critical.  Given how popular soccer is all around the world, it is not surprising that many fans go on to become coaches. Coaches must have a coaching philosophy that will … Read more

From Good to Great: The Habits of Elite Soccer Players

Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world, and millions admire elite soccer players. What sets them apart from everyone else?  What makes an elite soccer player? Are they born with special gifts or can anyone reach that level through hard work and dedication?  This article will explore what it takes to … Read more

Score Big with These Top 5 Football Boots for Coaches – Our Comprehensive Review

Introduction Every once in a while I get asked a question by a coach asking for a recommendation for a pair of football boots they could wear on the training pitch so that they can better teach the future stars of the world.  In England and most other places in the world, there is a … Read more

How to Avoid Coach Burnout – A Must Read!!!!

Burnout over balance sign post with blue sky background

Have you ever heard the term coach burnout? And thought to myself, if it is as the term describes, it would never happen to me. I love coaching and putting in the time and effort to be the best I can be. Well, you are wrong and it can happen to you, just as it can … Read more

How to Develop Resilience in Young People

Blocks spelling out Resilience with flowers in the background

Have you ever wanted to know how to develop resilience in young people?  Well, this article will endeavour to explain what it is and how it can be achieved. I recently wrote an article on mental toughness and for years I believed this was the same thing as resilience and something I had acquired through … Read more

How to Increase Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is something I have always classed myself as having. This was not something that was taught to me, it was through growing up during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. It was also about being a person of colour, constantly getting knockbacks, life struggles, hardship, etc. All the things you have to fight through … Read more

Best Supplements for Football Players

As footballers, we are always looking for that extra something that will give us a competitive edge over someone else. Whether that is nutritional supplements, additional practice on the pitch to improve skills and ability, becoming fitter or upping the gym work to become stronger. We want to be better than the person who plays … Read more

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